Dear Friends,
March is Women’s History Month and a good time to look back on how our organization began. The Women’s Transitional Living Center emerged from the aspirations of several members of the Orange County Chapter of the National Organization for Women who were tired of seeing “women and children spending nights in cars in parking lots.” Beginning with a groundbreaking survey of community members in June 1974, it became apparent that resources for survivors of domestic violence in Orange County were “virtually non-existent.”
Despite these odds, in 1976 Radiant Futures opened its doors and gradually grew from an emergency shelter to a multiservice organization dedicated to bringing forth a future where everyone in our community lives free from violence. Our multi-faceted approach includes Bridge Housing, Holistic Therapy, Legal Advocacy, and Prevention Education.
After 28 years in service to survivors of domestic violence, the intersectionality with human trafficking became prevalent, that in 2007 Radiant Futures enfolded into its mission serving survivors of human trafficking.
As we continue to build a community free from violence by providing crisis support, services for all survivors, and education to prevent domestic violence and trafficking, we express gratitude to the pioneering women whose vision laid the groundwork for our endeavors.
With appreciation,