Dear Friends of Radiant Futures,
Can you believe that we are in the month of November? I remember as a child, eagerly anticipating the holiday season, how time seemed to crawl at a snail’s pace.
Nowadays, time seems to zoom by at a record pace, and as another holiday season approaches, I find myself amazed once again at how rapidly it arrives. The constant rush in our lives emphasizes speed and efficiency, leaving little room to pause and cherish the moments that shape our lives.
In an attempt to slow down time and capture the experiences and people who have shaped all our lives here at Radiant Futures, I want to take a moment to reflect on what I’m thankful for in my life.
I’m thankful for a vibrant board that consistently supports us, a passionate team dedicated to instigating change and aiding our participants, and most importantly, I’m grateful for all of you.
Whether you’re a donor, a volunteer, or someone curious about our work, your presence means the world to us. Thank you for standing alongside us as we strive to build safer communities free from violence.
In appreciation,