Inundated with news and information, how do teens learn about relationships in this modern era. Radiant Futures spent the month of February sharing tips about healthy relationships directed at teens. The campaigns focused on what we want in a relationship instead of what we don’t.
Now let’s talk about how Media influences our relationships.  Movies, television, news, social media provide a “guide†to relationships for millennials and their younger counterparts. Mixed up messages are as clear as positive messaging. Just this month Playboy has ceased nude photographs but reports its focus is to engage a younger audience. Teens may not be their intended target but with the change in structure younger and younger youth are swayed by media. This brand has influenced society since 1953. Not to mention the mainstream media sharing endless accounts of Sports Heroes like baseball star Aroldis Chapman or the revisited OJ Simpson case lends the story to continue. A few weeks back here in Orange County a car chase ensued after a domestic violence incident that led police between counties. House of Cards returned to Netflix last week with a “dream†scene of domestic violence between the president and first lady. These images are prevalent and are the norm in media today. Not to mention social media’s impact on the relationship.
Our prevention programs are focusing on how we help teens and young adults learn how to be in a positive relationship. What is appropriate in a relationship and what should not be the norm. We follow the Love is Respect campaign. Working with schools, after school programs, parents and youth, our message is LOVE. But what is love: Trust, Boundaries, Sharing experience but letting each other have our own interests, building someone up and not down.
Let’s work together to teach our children what love is and end domestic violence.
If you or someone you know may be a victim of trafficking or domestic violence contact our 24 hour hotline.
March 8, 2016 Gigi Tsontos, LCSW MPA, Executive Director of Women’s Transitional Living Center, Inc 714-992-1939×106
Join us April 15, 2016 as we thank our supporter for 40 years of working to end the cycle of violence and exploitation.