Dear Friends of Radiant Futures,
Did you know? This month we celebrate National Nonprofit Day. That’s right, the birth of nonprofits in the U.S. happened on August 17th, 1894, when the Tariff Act became law and gave exemptions for nonprofit organizations. Today, we celebrate National Nonprofit Day by recognizing the nonprofit industry and the vast impact of their “needle moving” work in our communities. As we all know, nonprofit organizations – like Radiant Futures – play a vital role in building healthy communities by providing critical services that contribute to economic stability and mobility.
While it’s pretty obvious to see how nonprofits directly improve the lives of individuals and families, they also play a large role to our overall economy. For instance, nonprofits employ over 12.3 million people, exceeding those of other industries such as construction, transportation, and finance in the U.S. Furthermore, their purchasing power and other business operations have an even broader impact by creating economic activity that ripple through our community.
So I hope you can join me in taking a moment to recognize and appreciate our favorite nonprofit organizations and their contributions to the overall well-being of our communities.
With Appreciation,